Sunday, February 12, 2023



Finding a lot of success cutting out bread, rice, pasta, sweets, sweet sauces, and diet soda.  Eating out a tonne, and my food budget has exploded, but I'm losing weight and I don't feel like I'm depriving myself.  Sleep apnea has gotten a lot better.  

Haven't been doing much exercise beyond trying to walk a bit.  Too much exercise has derailed diet before, and I am wary.  Currently trying to weave in some light cycling.

Starting Weight | BMI = 51 | 335lbs
Current Weight | BMI = 46.1 | 303lbs | 32lb loss
Class 2 Obesity Threshold | BMI = 40 | 263lbs | 40lbs to go
Class 1 Obesity Threshold | BMI = 35 | 230lbs
Overweight Threshold | BMI = 30 | 197lbs